Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Parts worked on this week

The brake pipe holders were a bit rusty so instead of painting them I had a go at remaking them in stainless steel.

I marked the shape on the plate and drilled the holes.

I cut the shape out with my 4" angle grinder in a cut off holder.

Basic shape all deburred and smoothed with a abrasive flap wheel.

A bit of hammering in a vice and round a bit of bar and one stainless replacement brake pie holder.

Shaft drive boot repair.

The rubber boot was in good codition apart from ahole worn through in it.

The boot is being repaired with a bit of an old inner tube and glued in place with the glue from a bicycle puncter repair kit.

The finished article repaired and cleaned ready to be put back on the bike.

Brake calipers.

Originally the caliper was corroded but I cleaned it up with various abrasives and sent it off for alochroming, an industrial process used to stop aluminium corroding.

Calipers back from the finishers .

Finally finished off in high temperature caliper paint.