Monday, 26 October 2009

Petrol tank washer and wiring loom

Another rusty bit needing replacing, out with another bit of scrap stainless plate of the same thickness. Covered with permanent marker and scribe around the outside.

Holes drilled at various points.

Over to the cut off grinder and cut roughly into shape. Finish off on the bech grinder and smooth with the abrasive flap wheel. Bent the 2 tabs up in the vice with a bit of hammer force.

On te original there's a notch to stop it rotating when tightening it onto the tank.
I made a small raised dome with an M12 nut and a ball pein hammer in the vice.

A cut with the grinder through the raised dome gives me the anti-rotating edge.

And finally in place ( but without the tank )

The wiring loom had some modifications which didn't coincide with the original wiring diagram.
Everything was put back to standard except a new blade fuse box was used.
The loom was rewrapped with self amalgamating tape.

I put the loom back on the frame and attached with the same tape, the loom holders had mostly rusted away and were ground off before it was sandblasted on painted.

Picture of the frame after painting on a windy day when the shed was tilting over a bit :-)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Bike lift

Another project to help me with my Vision restoration.
I dismantled the trolley jack and turned some longer bars to put in the longer lifting arms.
The outside is currently made of wood which I expected to be too weak but I needed to develope the distances to make sure it lifts in a parrallel lotion.
It can lift around 100Kgs easily but as suspected the wood is starting to bend.
Pictures show front and back parts and is being designed to carry just one wheel and the centre stand. I will make a small ramp to push the bike onto the lift then put the centre stand down and lift the bike off the ramp.
I still have to make some extra bits like a hinged bar so I can relax the jack, a front wheel holder and some eye bolts on the frame to tie the handle bars down to.
I will get some long metal lengths now to replace the wood so it''ll be strong enough to lift the bike.

I've replaced the wood with lengths of metal and was tested lifting the familly on it a total of over 27 stone/380lb or 171Kg.
I still have the extras to make, but now with a weeks holiday I should get this finish and back to work on the Vision with it lifted off the floor and save wearing my knees out.