Saturday 20 June 2009

More before and after pictures

Fan and housing stripped and repainted and all screws replaced with stainless ones.
Radiator has just been cleaned and lots of fins straightened.

Footrest bracket, with new stainless steel brake stop screw.

Footrest plate painted metalic silver. I was just going to polish these up and leave the aluminium,but I've done this in the past and you have to keep polishing it to keep up a decent finish.
The silver paint looks the same and lasts well on aluminium without the need for constant polishing

Swinging arm before and after painting

Pictures of the rear swinging arm before and after stripping and painting.
I stripped it with paint stripper rather than getting it shot blast, as I could leave all the shaft drive internals in place. The swinging arm is steel and the hub aluminium so all was stripped and cleaned with all sorts of abrasives to get it all back to bare metal. The arm was then sprayed with zinc galanising spray and then finished with a metalic silver colour similar to the original.
I am trying to get the bike to look ok but more importantly to be corrosion resistant.
I use a bike most days all year round for work so with living in Cornwall not far from the sea and our mild/damp winters rust is always a big enemy.

Bike at the start of the stripdown

I took a multiple pictures of the bike as it was and while stripping it down.
All loaded onto my netbook for reference during the rebuild.